
    The Evolution of Targeting in Digital Advertising and The Emergence of Guest WiFi Marketing Technologies


    Digital advertising has come a long way since the first banner ad was displayed on the web in 1994. Over the years, the industry has evolved, and so have the strategies marketers use to reach their target audience. One of the most significant developments in this field has been the advent of targeted advertising.

    In the early days, digital advertising was a bit like shooting in the dark. Advertisers would place their ads on websites and hope the right people would see them. But as the internet grew and more data became available about users, advertisers began to realize that they could use this information to target their ads more effectively.

    By the early 2000s, advertisers were using cookies to track users’ online behaviour and serve them relevant ads. This was a game-changer, as it allowed for more personalized and effective advertising. According to a report by eMarketer, targeted display advertising spending in the US alone reached $37.31 billion in 2019, up from $26.15 billion in 2017, demonstrating the increasing importance of targeted advertising in the digital marketing landscape.

    The advent of WiFi marketing

    In recent years, we’ve seen the emergence of a new form of targeted advertising: guest WiFi marketing. This technology allows businesses to collect data about their customers through their guest WiFi networks and use this information to deliver personalized marketing campaigns.

    When a customer connects to a guest WiFi network, they provide a wealth of information that can be used for targeted advertising. This can include basic demographic information like age and gender, as well as more detailed data like browsing habits, time spent on the network, and even physical location within the venue.

    This data can be precious for marketers. For example, a coffee shop could use this information to send targeted offers to customers who frequently visit in the morning, encouraging them to return in the afternoon. Or, a retailer could use location data to send personalized product recommendations to customers based on the sections of the store they visit most often.

    The significance and application of WiFi marketing

    The potential applications of guest WiFi marketing are vast and varied, with businesses across numerous sectors finding innovative ways to leverage this technology. For instance, consider a hotel chain. By analysing the data collected from their guest WiFi network, they could identify patterns in their guests’ behaviour. They may notice that a significant number of guests log on to the WiFi network late at night and browse food delivery services. In response, the hotel could partner with a local restaurant to offer late-night room service, sending targeted ads or special offers to guests during these peak hours.

    Similarly, a shopping mall could use guest WiFi data to optimize its layout and tenant mix. By tracking shoppers’ footfall patterns and dwell times, they could identify which stores attract the most visitors and which areas of the mall are underutilized. They could then use this information to make strategic decisions about where to place new stores or how to redesign the mall layout. Furthermore, they could use the demographic data collected to ensure that the stores in the mall align with the interests and preferences of the shoppers they are attracting. For example, if the data shows a high number of young adults using WiFi, the mall could bring in more fashion retailers or entertainment venues that appeal to this demographic.

    In both these examples, the businesses are using the data collected from their guest WiFi networks to deliver targeted advertising and improve their overall service offering and customer experience. This is the true power of guest WiFi marketing – it gives businesses the insights they need to understand their customers better and meet their needs.

    One platform leading the way in this field is Linkyfi by AVSystem. Linkyfi is a WiFi marketing and analytics platform that helps businesses collect and analyze data from their guest WiFi networks. With features like user profiling, location-based services, and targeted advertising, Linkyfi provides businesses with the tools they need to turn their guest WiFi networks into powerful marketing platforms.


    In conclusion, the evolution of targeting in digital advertising has opened up new opportunities for businesses to connect with their customers in more personalized and effective ways. As guest WiFi marketing technologies like Linkyfi continue to develop, we expect to see even more innovative and effective marketing strategies.

    Stay tuned to this space as we explore the latest trends and technologies in digital advertising.

    Also Read: Best Digital Marketing Practices for Startup Growth Online

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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