
    Adobe Photoshop: Useful Tips and Tricks that You Must Know

    Adobe Photoshop is the best photo editor out there. It comes with many features and functionalities that let you do many things. You can edit an image in the way you want. Photoshop has been an industry leader for the last three decades and shows no sign of stopping. 

    15 Tips and Tricks to Follow

    Whether a professional or novice designer working with Adobe Photoshop, you might be looking for innovative design methods. Knowing some valuable tips will help you with general design, illustrations, and editing. Check out some of the best Adobe Photoshop tips and tricks to benefit you. These 15 Photoshop tips and tricks will help you edit your images perfectly.

    1. Create Chromatic Aberration

    Chromatic aberration in Adobe Photoshop lets light rays pass through a lens focus at different points according to their wavelength. It is often executed to create a design’s unique look and feel. VHS tape effects or aesthetics with RGB camera blur-ish effects are known to be examples of chromatic aberration.

    To do this, you need to duplicate the layer first. Then, double-click on the layer and uncheck the ‘R’ channel. Now, you need to move the layer over by 3.5 pixels or any other amount you want. 

    2. Object Selection Tool

    It is quite difficult to crop and select some specific images. There are two types of methods: fast and accurate. The fast methods are not accurate, and the accurate methods are slow and tedious. This is where objection selection tools are most beneficial for you. Using this tool, you can effectively simplify the selection of an a specific portion or area of an image.

    The objects could be anything like mountains, pets, buildings, cars, or people. You are required to create a shape around the intended region of the object. Or you can use the lasso tool to outline the area which needs to be cropped. Using this tool makes it easy and fast to crop an image effectively. 

    3. Choose Colours from Anywhere

    It is a common practice to take screenshots to take colours from them in Adobe Photoshop. But there is an alternative way to get this job done. All you are required to do is use the Eye Dropper tool. Then minimize the Adobe Photoshop, and click the dropper on the canvas, and drag it anywhere outside as per your preference. This simple trick makes your job very easy and effective. This is among the best Photoshop trick and tips.

    4. Install Custom Photoshop Brushes

    Adobe Photoshop comes with preinstalled brushes that you have the option to use. But you can also decide to use your other custom made brushes after installing them on your own. There are thousands of brushes available on the internet that you can decide to download. 

    Once you install them, you have to click on the Gear icon and select the Import Brushes options to use them according to your preference. This Photoshop quick tip will be quite impactful for you.

    5. Create a Rain Texture

    Falling raindrops are amazing for creating drama and effects in your photography, which you can opt for during Adobe Photoshop edit. In case you do not get natural rain during your photography, you can add an artificial rain texture while editing it in Adobe Photoshop.

    All you need to do is create a new layer filled with black, add some Noise, and include a slanted Motion Blur, and your layer is ready. Now, you must set the layer to the Screen. Adding some contrast will make it instant rain. This is one of the best Adobe Photoshop tips.

    6. Make a Light Bleed Effect

    This Adobe Photoshop tip will help you add a light bleed effect to your edited photo. It will help blend any image by adding a new layer and creating white towards top of the image utilizing a big white brush. You can now finish this by effectively lowering the layer’s opacity.

    This is certainly considered as one of the most amazing and coolest Adobe Photoshop tricks. Trying this tip will completely transform this picture. 

    7. Using Textures to Amplify Designs

    If you feel that your designs appear dull and bland and need something extra, you can amplify them using textures in Adobe Photoshop. The proper use of textures adds depth and dynamics to your designs. All you need to do is download different textures or some free texture packs available on the internet. Keep these free textures stored in a folder on your desktop.

    Now, you need to open your Adobe Photoshop. But before that, you will have to ensure that your design or layer is already opened. Now, proceed to drag and drop the texture. You have the option to play around with its blending mode and opacity to give it the intended look. This is one of the amazing Adobe tips and tricks.

    8. Copy Layer Styles Fast

    Do you need to copy layer style quickly? Do you wish to use a layer style to various other layers? If yes, then you can easily do it by following these step-by-step methods. You are just required to hold down the Alt key and then drag the FX icon from original layer to target layers. 

    After doing this, the chosen layer styles will instantly be applied. There is no need to do anything else. This whole process takes a few seconds at most. 

    9. Make Trendy Double Exposure Effect

    This is one of the most popular Adobe Photoshop tips many designers and professionals use. Using this tip you can make trendy double exposure effect effortlessly. All you are required to do is take one high contrast black and white photo. Now proceed to clip a second image in it. It is important to set the second image to Screen. It all depends on the smart composition. 

    10. Create Instagram Photo Filters

    If you are looking forward to using some great Instagram photo filters, you have the option to create those filters yourself. Adobe Photoshop now lets you design various Instagram filters according to your preferences and needs. 

    All you need to do is follow these step-by-step procedures on Adobe Photoshop. First, create a mustard-yellow Colour Fill layer and set it to Multiply. Upon doing this, you will see an instant vintage effect. Adding some red to the layer is also needed. Then, you are supposed to set it to Screen for the added faded glory. And now your Instagram filters are ready to use in different images. 

    11. Warp Text

    By following this tip, you will be able to wrap text in Adobe Photoshop. The process is quite easy and simple. At first, you are supposed to choose a layer that you wish to work on. Then choose the Type Tool and look towards top-right of this tool. You will get to see the ‘T’ icon with a curved line underneath. You should hit the icon to find a built-in bends and arcs. And now you are done. 

    12. Painting Makeup

    If you are editing a portrait image of a girl, this tip will be of the best use. While editing the image, if you think it would be great to put some makeup on the girl’s face, check out this tip. You are not required to hire a makeup artist now.

    You can opt for paint makeup. First, you have to create a new layer. Now set it to Soft Light and start painting in the eyeshadow. Two layers, Overlayer and Soft Light modes, should be used to edit the makeup. 

    13. Make a Frequency Separation Photoshop Action

    Have you ever wondered how professional photographers achieve that perfect high-fashion skin? This is known to be frequency separation. At first, you have to split your picture into two layers, one with High Pass filter and other with a Gaussian Blur. Now set to the Linear Light.

    Proceed to utilize the blurred layer to fix the skin tone and colour. Use the high pass layer to correct the texture. This is how you can successfully make a frequency separation. 

    14. Use the Blur Gallery

    This is another cool Adobe Photoshop that you must follow to ensure the best editing. If you are looking forward to adding more depth to your images by effectively blurring its background, then this is the tip for you to know. 

    First, duplicate your picture and navigate Filter>Blur>Gallery>Field Blur. Now proceed to set your blur and mask out the subject. This will make the background blurred instead. This is how you achieve instant depth. 

    15. Create a Smart Object

    Creating a smart object is a helpful Adobe Photoshop tip. Layers generally become smart objects once they are imported into Photoshop. To do this, right-click on the layer and select ‘Convert to Smart Object.’

    Visit the official site here.


    Adobe Photoshop is an excellent tool to edit your images professionally. It is loaded with features and functionalities. But there are some other useful tips and tricks that you must know to make the best use of this Photoshop. All these tips are quite easy to follow. These tips will really help you to explore some magic of Photoshop. The edited image will completely be transformed in this way. 

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    David William
    David William comes from an Engineering background, with a specialization in Information Technology. He has a keen interest and expertise in Web Development, Data Analytics, and Research. He trusts in the process of growth through knowledge and hard work.

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