
    Automation with Tafi: A Webinar Hosted by Amadeus India

    Recently, Amadeus India and the Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI) collaborated to host a webinar with a strong emphasis on automation, performance optimization, and productivity. More than 400 travel agents joined the webinar, which had as its main topic the role of automation in scaling the business utilising best-in-class systems that improve productivity, cut costs, and optimise revenue.

    What is Amadeus?

    Amadeus is at the forefront of various technical innovations, including a range of cutting-edge goods and services created specifically for travel agencies.

    At the webinar, Amadeus offered products and services such as:

    • Selling Platform Connect (SECO)
    • Master Pricer
    • Ticket Changer
    • NDC support for SECO
    • Dynamic Travel Documents
    • Travel Alerts Notifier
    • UETTR for unused tickets
    • Ticket Tracker Report
    • Productivity Suite-File Finishing
    • Smart Flows Smart Triggers & Quality Monitor
    • Hotels

    An unprecedented rate of change is occurring in the travel industry’s dynamics. At Amadeus, they firmly believe they can quicken the industry’s progress and strengthen the travel ecosystem through digitalization and customization. Their development roadmap is shaped by this strategy, which has prompted them to work closely with industry associations and stakeholders to rebuild travel.

    What Amadeus’ Ceo and President of Tafi said in the Webinar?

     The CEO of Amadeus Indian Subcontinent, Rakesh Bansal, stated that “India is enjoying a healthy rise in the travel business. We at Amadeus are advancing toward an automated, technologically advanced future. Our travel partners’ performance and revenue can be optimised thanks to this industry webinar’s range of goods and solutions. We will construct the travel ecosystem as a team.”

    Automation and optimization in technology are crucial, said Ajay Prakash, President of TAFI. We must stay on top of the most recent technological advancements to improve the travel and tourism sector. We require new tools, technology, and a shift in how we conduct business. Today, tourism will be more socially conscious, responsible, and sustainable.

    What is Amadeus Selling Platform Connect? How can Travellers Earn Benefits from this?

    Travel merchants can browse, purchase, pay for, and service airline travel offerings through an NDC connectivity using the cloud-based booking platform Amadeus Selling Platform Connect (SECO).

    The ability to display and compare all airline flights and related services for any specific trip, whether derived through EDIFACT, NDC, or other APIs, on a single screen is a significant benefit for travel merchants. It is the first time that travel agents can access such a comprehensive selection of air content in one location, making it simpler for them to evaluate offers and assist their clients in locating the best deal.

    All travel sellers place a high value on customer service. Hence this new NDC-enabled version of Selling Platform Connect also enables the servicing of NDC bookings. Flights booked through an NDC link can be changed or cancelled by travel agents. Amadeus customers worked closely with designers to develop and test these features and the new graphical user interface.


    More than 400 travel agents joined the travel tech company’s webinar. This conference focused on how automation can scale a business with best-in-class tools that reduce costs, increase profits, and enhance efficiency. Some of Amadeus India’s offerings were also showcased during the webinar.

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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