
    How to Build a Machine-learning Model in Six Steps?

    Machine-learning models are built specifically to solve complex business problems effectively. Since there is a chunk of data, the interpretation of it would fetch revenue-generating insights, which is where machine-learning models play a crucial role. Most industries leverage ML models, from manufacturing to finance and banking to healthcare. But the question arises, how will you build a machine-learning model? Well, this article is the answer to it. Keep reading and know the best and most straightforward solution to it.

    Step 1: Identify the Need for Machine Learning

    Firstly, you must identify the need for machine-learning in your business. Since building machine-learning models demands resources, the objectives should be predefined before developing ML models. The objective is important because a clearly defined ML model aligned with the objectives delivers desired outcomes.

    Step 2: Select the Machine-learning Algorithm Depending on your Data

    You know which process requires machine-learning models, but it is also important to know which Machine-learning tools suit that process. The data scientist explores the data and gives detailed insights about its features and components. Post this, the data scientists tell which ML model is required, depending on the problem that needs to be solved.

    Machine-learning models are divided into three different types:

    • Supervised ML: Requires labelled datasets to forecast the outcome and label new datasets.
    • Unsupervised ML: This ML model gets trained on unlabelled datasets for clustering and categorizing data.
    • Reinforcement ML: This is a trial-and-error dataset wherein the system is rewarded upon successful action and penalised on unsuccessful actions.

    Step 3: Clean & Prepare Dataset

    With high-quality data, you can expect an accurate machine-learning model. The ML model will automatically learn the relationship between input and output data. Based on the ML training, there will be a difference in the making of the datasets.

    There are supervised machine-learning models that train labelled datasets, while unsupervised ML doesn’t need labelled datasets. The only requirement in training, as discussed in the above point, is data quality. The machine-learning model won’t be effective without poor data quality.

    Step 4: Split Dataset and Execute Cross Validation

    The actual solutions will be noticed when the trained machine-learning model delivers new and unseen data results. ML models become vulnerable to the training data, meaning the algorithm is closely aligned with the primary data. Due to this, there could be an inaccuracy in the ML model.

    The prepared data is split into training and testing data to counter such vulnerabilities. Under this, 80% of the data is reserved for training; the rest is only available for testing. Using the training data, the ML model is built. On the other hand, the testing data is considered unseen data, ensuring that the model can be evaluated for accurate results.

    Another major process that ensures the effectiveness of models against unseen data is cross-validation in machine learning. This even includes types of cross-validation techniques, which are either called exhaustive or non-exhaustive. The only difference between the two is; the exhaustive technique tests of combination and modification of training and testing datasets, while the non-exhaustive technique picks samples from training and testing datasets. Talking about the outcomes, then the exhaustive approach assures you with a detailed wealth of insights but is time-consuming against the non-exhaustive technique.

    Step 5: Execute Machine-learning Optimization

    While developing ML models, optimizing them is crucial to achieving live environment accuracy. You can even alter the model configuration to achieve accurate results. ML models can be vulnerable to errors, but with optimisation, accuracy can be achieved, and models can be flawless.

    Data scientists set the model hyperparameters, which require assessment and reconfiguration, and this process is called machine-learning optimisation. The hyperparameter isn’t developed or learned using ML models, but these are configurations chosen by the model designer.

    Step 6: Deploy Machine-learning Model

    This is the last step, where you will deploy the machine-learning model. These models are trained and tested in the local environment using datasets. Deployment takes place when it has to execute tasks in a live environment and unseen data. Such tasks ensure a return on investment as the ML models offer insights from live data. Containerisation is the tool that most organisations leverage for deploying ML models. This makes deploying swift and smooth. Besides, it even assures scalable ML models.


    Building ML models for your software is an investment-worthy process, and you must hire software developer. Doing single-handedly will consume only some of your time and shift your focus from your core business objectives. And since ML model building doesn’t let pay over the odds, an IT solution company would be great to partner with. Look for a partner that assures quality and a result-driven approach.

    Author Bio:

    Chandresh Patel is a CEO, Agile coach, and founder of Bacancy Technology. His entrepreneurial spirit, skilful expertise, and extensive knowledge in Agile software development services have helped the organisation achieve new heights of success. Chandresh is fronting the organisation into global markets systematically, innovatively, and collaboratively to fulfil custom software development needs and provide optimum quality.

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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