
    iOS 18: Everything about This Rumoured VisionOS Redesign

    The iOS update of Apple’s annual event is highly anticipated by iPhone users worldwide. According to rumours, Apple will announce the biggest iOS update in this company’s history. It is expected to feature a complete redesign, along with revamped Siri and other AI improvements. Let’s explore iOS 18 below. 

    iOS 18: A VisionOS-Inspired Redesign

    According to rumours, iOS 18 will have a complete redesign inspired by VisionOS. VisionOS is said to be the operating system powering Apple’s rumoured AR/VR headset. The leaks suggest that Apple focuses more on its three-dimensional aesthetics and depth translucency. 

    The Expected Features

    iOS 18 is likely to have several exciting and unique features and functionalities. Some of these rumoured features are:

    Glass-Like Buttons

    The buttons in the Apple iOS 18 update are going to be glass-like. This is going to be more realistic with reflective edges. A similar feature is seen in visionOS. 

    Translucent Elements

    The system menus and app interfaces would add a higher level of translucency, which would create a layered and visually appealing experience. 

    Homescreen Overhaul

    The grid layout of the homescreen is going to be changed completely. According to rumours, it will be more dynamic, with widgets playing a crucial role. 

    Revamped Settings App

    The Settings app will be heavily updated in the upcoming iOS 18 concept, which will be reflected across all Apple devices. 

    Cross-Platform Design

    The Settings app will have a cross-platform design. Thus, it will have the latest unified design language that will be reflected across all Apple devices, such as Mac, iPad, and iPhone. Users are supposed to get a consistent user experience from this, regardless of device type. 

    Improved Organization

    In the iOS 18 redesign, the layout of the settings is also likely to be organized, which will ensure easier navigation. This will enable users to find particular settings easily, making it intuitive for iOS users. 

    Enhanced Research

    Settings’ built-in search function will also get a significant update. This enhanced search will make it easier for users to locate the specific settings they are looking for. 

    AI Enhancement

    With Apple investing heavily in AI research, iOS is expected to receive a significant AI enhancement. However, Apple should focus more on Siri in a few aspects.

    Improved Understanding

    Siri will improve its understanding of natural language. In this case, the iOS redesign will introduce a major change. It will thus enable more fluid and natural interactions with users. 

    Contextual Awareness

    With increased contextual awareness, Siri will better understand a situation’s content. This will ensure more helpful and relevant responses, and users will tend to become more satisfied. 

    Proactive Suggestions

    With the iOS 18 update, Siri might become proactive, automatically suggesting information and actions based on past interactions and behaviour. 

    Increased Privacy and Security

    Apple has always prioritized users’ privacy and security. With iOS 18, they are continuing this trend. 

    Increased App Permissions

    Users are expected to gain more control over the data that apps can access. This update will allow users to decide what information and details they want to share. 

    Enhanced Security Measures

    With the iOS 18 update, Apple is supposed to fortify its devices with improved security and privacy measures. The latest security features will be added to protect user data. 

    Weather Feature

    The weather feature on the iPhone will have a tweaked design, along with a uniform and rounder panel combining various data points into a singular window. The navigation bar at the bottom, which now cycles between various locations, will be detached in the iOS 18 update. It will rather float in front of the weather information with premium glass-like effects. 


    The Mail feature is also supposed to undergo a complete overhaul as part of this update. The update app will remove the white and black backgrounds and replace them with a blur of Home Screen wallpaper.

    The buttons and search bars will be pronounced with rounded and distinct borders. Each email will have a separate item list. Compose and Filter buttons are expected to be overlayed in the floating navigation bar. 

    What More to Expect?

    The official release date of the iOS 18 update has not yet been confirmed. However, Apple generally releases its latest iOS version in June at the WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference), with a public release following in September. If you wish to prepare for the update, you need to follow the steps described below.

    Take the Backup of Your Data

    It is considered best practice to back up your data before installing any major update on your phone. This will ensure that you do not lose any information or data during the update. 

    Free Up Device Storage

    As a major update requires a lot of device storage, you need to free up storage before installing the iOS 18 update. Deleting unused media and apps is a good and effective method of freeing up space in your device. 

    Stay Updated

    You are supposed to monitor Apple’s official channels and website and popular tech news sources. This is how you will discover valuable information about iOS 18. 

    What is the Future of iOS? 

    Apple is committed to offering user-friendly and visually appealing experiences. With the rumoured design of the iOS 18 update, Apple will be doing precisely that. Apple’s core initiatives have been revamping core functionalities and focusing on AI advancements. The upcoming iOS 18 update is going to bring massive changes. With its focus on user privacy, functionalities, and aesthetics, Apple will usher in a new era of technology through iOS 18. 

    Explore the recent iOS here.


    iOS 18 is the upcoming Apple update with many features and functionalities. Apple will likely preview iOS 18 during its annual developers conference, WWDC, on 10th June. The beta version of this update is supposed to be available shortly after their announcement. The final update is expected to be released in September for all users. 

    With all these completely new features and functionalities, iOS 18 is highly likely to create a stir in the smartphone industry around the world. According to the experts, this move may help Apple make further strides to gain a greater edge over its competitors. 

    But all these expected changes and features are just speculations. Nothing has been made official. Therefore, you need to look forward and wait for Apple’s announcements. Only time will tell the truth.

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    David William
    David William comes from an Engineering background, with a specialization in Information Technology. He has a keen interest and expertise in Web Development, Data Analytics, and Research. He trusts in the process of growth through knowledge and hard work.

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