
    What Is Cyber Hygiene, and Why Is It Crucial for Startups?

    Before we delve deeper into the nuances of cyber hygiene, let us understand what cyber hygiene is. Cyber hygiene is a way of training yourself to develop good habits related to cyber security. This will help you stay safe from any cyber-attacks, and you can keep online security glitches at bay.

    What are the security risks that startups and high-growth business models face?

    Startups are the most vulnerable category to fall prey to cybersecurity attacks. This leads to immense loss. The following statistical data further confirms the fact-

    • Startups constitute 43% of the victims of a cyberattack.
    • Around 47% of SMBs or Small to Medium Sized businesses have already suffered a cyber-security breach the previous year.
    • The loss incurred by those businesses that have suffered a cyber-attack amount to $200,000.
    • Once the startups or high-growth businesses have suffered a cyberattack, these companies bring down their shutters within six months.

    As such, it is essential to have in place a checklist that can help you to take account of the day-to-day operations and keep a tab on how your internal infrastructure is functioning. Pay heed to the following points-

    1. Security policy- Whether you have an information security policy planned for your company. It entails how the users must keep the company information protected. Also, what must the users do in case of a potential security incident?
    2. Password- You must be sure that not all employees use weak passwords for logging into their services and apps.
    3. Lock or wipe remotely – You must find out whether or not any device can be locked or its content wiped in case the device gets stolen or locked.
    4. Type of Operating System in Use – If you have decided to use an obsolete operating system with no support for the same, changeover to another OS with the latest version. Remember, older OS are most vulnerable to cyber-attacks.
    5. Multi-factor Authentication or MFA – The critical cloud services of your company, like file sharing, email, and any confidential information, must be protected with the help of multi-factor authentication.

    The above checklist is limited, but various others must also be considered.

    What are the best practices of cyber hygiene, also known as cybersecurity hygiene?

    Best practices for cyber hygiene for startups

    Check out the following practices that ensure safety for your data safety.

    • What you must regularly check

    Develop the practice of regularly checking passwords, automated reminder settings, calendar events, and various tasks. Aside from the above, scan for viruses, check apps, find out whether OS is up to date, software, and any measure that you must adopt to maintain a safe cyber ecosystem in your organization.

    • Use the appropriate tools

    Using the correct tools helps you go a long way without being vulnerable to cyber-attacks. These include the following-

    • A password manager
    • Data wiping software
    • Network firewall
    • High-quality antivirus software
    • Keep programs up to date

    Hackers look for programs that are out of date. It includes the software programs mentioned above, and keeping your hardware up to date also ensures safety. The importance of cyber hygiene cannot be undermined.

    • Back up data regularly

    Make sure you regularly update programs and take a backup of your data.

    • Encrypt devices

    Encrypting devices is another importance of cyber hygiene. Make it a regular habit.


    In a nutshell, cyber hygiene means developing routine protective checking for your financial and personal information. It is important for you to check out all these above described aspects for your own convenience and benefits.

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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