
    Free Alternative to Photoshop – What Are Your Options?

    Photoshop is undoubted one of the best image editing software around, but if you want to use it, you will likely have to shell out some money every month. However, these days, people believe in smart working, and there are many options as far as a free alternative to Photoshop is concerned. And this is what we will explore in this article. 

    Online photoshop editor free – Consider these alternatives of Photoshop free download for PC

    Check out the list here. 

    • Adobe Photoshop Express

    The essential feature of this alternative is free of charge. Use Photoshop Express either in your browser or app for iOS or Android. With the app’s help, you can adjust the many variables present, change the background, alter brightness, and the background. If there are minor blemishes, you can correct them with the spot heal tool. 

    • Alternative Photoshop free download – GIMP

    GIMP or Gnu Image Manipulation Program is the one choice or the default choice if you are looking for a Photoshop free download for PC alternative. Although it is not equipped with features as rich as in Photoshop, it does have a set of tools that will allow you to get the effects. With the help of aplomb in GIMP, you can get the advanced image enhancements you desire. You will also find versions available for Windows, Linux, and macOS.

    • Pixlr

    For your browser-based editing tasks, you can use Pixlr. Although it is free, you will get a feel of using Adobe Photoshop when you use it. It runs virtually from anywhere. You can either load an image from a PC or direct it to any URL on the web. It is available for free, but if you are willing to shell out a little money, you can enjoy additional features. There are two versions to choose from. One of them includes the simple, intuitive Pixlr X, which is the more advanced of the two, and the other one is Pixlr E, which looks like you are running Photoshop in your browser. 

    • Paint.NET

    You would get a much-enhanced version of the original version of Paint that comes built-in your PCs and Windows operating system. However, this tool has evolved over the years. Although the features it boasts of are not as powerful as GIMP, you will find it easier to use compared to GIMP. With the interface being translucent, you will have complete control over the tool and use it with proficiency. 

    The above tools mentioned are just a few of them. You can explore others as well, depending on your requirement and how much time you have at your disposal to learn the new tools all at once.

    Also Read: Everything About Lightroom’s Masking Tool 

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    Daniyel Chatterjee
    Daniyel Chatterjee is a Young Researcher in the field of Data Science & Analytics having research experience of more than 8 years. He has a Masters in Computer Engineering and currently serves as an Editorial Assistant in IGI Global, United States of America. Daniyel also holds honorary positions in the Associate Member of Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, International Association of Engineers, Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications.

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