
    How to Get Started Selling on Amazon KDP? A Comprehensive Guide

    Amazon is the giant of the Marketplace. It has a catalogue of all kinds of products, including books. Therefore, it is essential for both a writer and publishers that their readers have a presence in this company. Do you want to sell your digital books through the Amazon KDP platform? Amazon’s self-publishing platform is highly accessible for independent authors who want to promote their work. In addition to the fact that it is very easy to publish your books, it offers tools to help your sales. So, in this article, let’s learn how to sell on Amazon KDP.

    What is Amazon KDP?

    Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) is a platform very similar to Amazon Affiliates, which allows us to upload our books to Amazon utterly free of charge and sell them both in ebook and paper format worldwide.

    If you prefer to sell your book in ebook format, your book will be displayed on Amazon KDP. With just one download on any electronic device, computer, tablet, or mobile phone, your book will be ready for the reader to read.

    Your ebook uploaded to Amazon Kindle is presented as a file in .mobi format, so it can be read exclusively in the application of each reader so that the safeguarding and protection of your work are ensured. In addition, through digital rights management (DRM), your work will be inviolable and safe from hacking.

    Amazon KDP also offers you a series of possibilities, such as having internal and external links to gain more readers, for example, placing a link to your social networks to gain their federalization. See below how to sell on Amazon KDP.

    How does Amazon KDP work?

    KDP, or Kindle Direct Publishing, is an Amazon service that allows customers to independently publish an ebook or paperback book using only a computer and an internet connection. You can publish your first book as a self-published author or KDP publisher in a few days.

    In conclusion, when you publish a book on KDP, it becomes accessible for viewing and purchase on Amazon’s website once approved. The best part is that you receive a percentage of the sale price each time someone orders a copy of your book.

    You can publish 3 different sorts of books on KDP:

    • The book
    • A Book in Paperback
    • A book in hardcover

    Generally speaking, you can release an ebook first, then a paperback and hardcover version of your ebook. By doing this, you can create 3 passive income streams from a single piece of content.

    You can sell hardcover, paperback, and electronic books on Amazon KDP and get a passive online income. You may also print straightforward lined journals, planners, sketchbooks, blank recipe books, coloring books, activity books, puzzle books, and many more low- and no-content publications on KDP under the paperback and hardcover options. See below how to sell on Amazon KDP.

    How to sell on Amazon KDP?

    Amazon is the largest online bookstore in the world. If you want to self-publish your book in both ebook and paper, you can do it on Amazon through Kindle Direct Publishing to reach millions of Amazon readers. Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is Amazon’s self-publishing platform. For independent authors, Amazon KDP is the primary sales channel.

    Sign Up for Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Account:

    The first thing you have to do is register as an Amazon seller. Choose the type of seller and configure your account (individual or professional). Sign up with your email and data and accept the legal conditions.

    Set up Your Author Page in Amazon’s Author Central:

    You must work on your profile as an author. Amazon allows you to create a page on the Author Central platform so readers can follow you and learn about your releases. We advise you not to limit yourself to doing it only on this site but also to have social networks where you promote your work.

    Create Your Book Listing on Amazon KDP:

    Upload your book to the inventory and add it to the catalogue with all the information (title, genre, year of publication, author and collaborations, photo, description, keywords, and of course, the sale price)

    Once your book is on Amazon, customers will be able to buy the book. When someone does, you will receive an email with the order details, and you will have to take care of sending the book to customers, complying with the requirements imposed by Amazon (established deadline, packaging…). Through Amazon Payments, you will be paid for the book, removing the commission that Amazon takes, which is almost 30% of the product’s price, not including shipping.

    You must keep in mind that although it is easy to sell on Amazon, it is also demanding, so you must take care of your reputation as a seller. You will have to ensure that delivery times are met and that you have good ratings and comments.

    Benefits of Publishing to Amazon KDP:

    You have access to various marketing strategies through KDP Select to increase sales. Each title has a separate enrolment period that lasts 90 days. You are not permitted to publish identical material elsewhere on a blog or in an e-book while your book is in KDP Select. If you enroll your book in KDP Select and wish to publish it elsewhere, you have to wait for the 90-day term to be up. The title will automatically renew if you want it to remain in KDP Select for a long.

    As we have seen, the Internet is a fundamental tool for reaching the greatest number of people. Amazon is the largest Marketplace in the world; therefore, being part of Amazon can be an excellent opportunity to sell your books. The benefits of publishing to Amazon KDP are…

    • Quick digital publication. In 72 hours, your book will be on sale worldwide.
    • Create your author page on the platform.
    • Control over your sales and rights.
    • Possibility to choose to publish your works in the digital and printed version.
    • Publishing a book on Amazon KDP is entirely free, but Amazon does establish royalties on those sales that can be 35% or 70%, depending on certain conditions.
    • Temporarily free book download. This tool allows you to increase the reach of the work on a global scale for five days or partially upload the book so that it can encourage word of mouth and reading.
    • Constant edition. You can gradually edit your work if you want to improve something or correct an error.
    • ISBN contribution to selling your book on Amazon Kindle. This refers to legal data. Your book is simply because it is on Amazon KDP, and depending on the publication format chosen, both paper and ebook already have an ISBN guaranteed.


    Not just for authors, Amazon KDP can be a source of additional income and passive income. Also, it can be advantageous for marketplace vendors who already offer material things. Another source of income with alternatives is Amazon KDP. This is crucial in the event of worldwide catastrophes that can affect supply networks and the sale of tangible goods.

    Also Read: Everything You Need to Know about Using Kindle Cloud Reader

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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