
    How to Lock a Facebook Profile?

    In the current time, it would be hard to find someone who does not use social media platforms. It is a daily part of life right now and a major way to communicate with a wide range of audiences from all over the world. Social media has been utilized by various types of entities as a key platform for communication, starting from businesses to common people. In daily life, when it comes to either communicate with someone or spending time with some interesting entertainment topic, Facebook is one of the most utilized social media platforms. From elderly people to adults and teenagers, every single person currently is utilizing Facebook as the main source of their entertainment. 

    Technology has brought us a diverse range of facilities and options for our daily life comfort, and one of them is Facebook. But with advanced and innovative technology, the risk of cybercrime has also increased. A huge number of cybercrime cases can be found on Facebook like sexual abuse, verbal abuse, sexualized female bodies, hacking profiles and violating privacy and safety along with many others. One of the common issues found for the users of Facebook is that any person can enter into someone’s profile and take screenshots or download personal images from the profile and use them for vile causes like photoshopping and making nude pictures of women, making face profiles with those pictures and many others. 

    It is a huge threat to the safety of Facebook users. After receiving numerous complaints against this issue, Facebook developed a new program that facilitated the users to lock their profiles. Now, any user of Facebook would get an option of ‘Lock Profile’ and by applying this option, users would be able to lock their profiles. This is optional like it is not mandatory for everyone, but whoever wants to increase the safety and security of the profile, can use this option. 

    How to lock a Facebook profile step-by-step?

    For safety and security, Facebook provides a wide range of options in its settings. Therefore, it can be a little tricky for those who are not quite accustomed to the advanced technology of the application, to find the option ‘Lock Profile’.

    Here is the step-by-step guideline regarding how to lock a Facebook profile. 

    • First, open the profile
    • Then click on three dots right next to the option ‘Add to Story’
    • After that the option ‘Lock Profile’ will show, click on that
    • Then it will provide a description regarding how this option works and what this option mainly does for the profile 
    • It will also show an option for ‘OK’, click on ‘OK’
    • It will successfully lock your profile with higher safety and security options

    By following these simple steps, any person can lock their profile for higher safety. However, this feature of Facebook currently is not available for certain countries. And for this reason, Facebook has also provided alternative options for locking the profile. For instance, changing privacy settings by limiting profile review, tag review and by turning on the ‘profile picture guard’. With help of the ‘Lock Profile’ option along with other alternative options for safety and security, individuals will disable any person who is not on the friend list to enter the profile and take screenshots of any picture. Only friends will be able to see posts and photos, full cover pictures and profile pictures, and stories. Till now, it is the most effective feature added by Facebook for the safety of the users. It has reduced the number of cybercrimes associated with Facebook. However, individuals have to be responsible for their safety as this option is not compulsory to use, it depends on the users if they want to apply it for their profile or not.

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    Kiara Dutta
    Kiara Dutta comes from an Engineering background, with a specialization in Information Technology. She has a keen interest and expertise in Web Development, Data Analytics, and Research. She trusts in the process of growth through knowledge and hard work.

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