
    Instagram Business Ideas for Aspiring Business Startups and Entrepreneurs

    With Instagram, it has become easier than ever to embark on a business project on a social media platform. This social media platform can be an ideal haven for your business with excellent features. In this article, you will come across a few Instagram business ideas that you might consider.

    How to do Business on Instagram – Explore Your Options

    To start with, you might want to know why you would like to start a business on Instagram. These are the following reasons why you might want to create an Instagram business.

    1. You would like to expand a business you already have.
    2. You wish to start a new career.
    3. You intend to have a passive income besides your primary source of income.

    Irrespective of the objectives of starting an Instagram business account for your new business, you can always ponder over the following Instagram business ideas.

    • Instagram Live Salesperson

    Meta introduced Instagram Live, which will allow you to share live streaming videos. After that, Instagram developed Live Shopping, letting users buy stuff from the live broadcasts. So, you could create any related content of your choice.

    • Instagram Affiliate Marketing

    You can work as an affiliate link marketer. The links traceable to your Instagram posts are affiliate links if someone uses your link to shop for something. Many affiliate networks like ShareASale, Rakuten, Affiliate, and Pepperjam.

    • Specialty Repair Service Provider

    You could be a tailor, cobbler, or individual skilled in repairing VCRs or television and a specialty service provider. And this platform can connect you with people that require your services.

    • Social Media Marketing

    If you are already into social media marketing, you can offer your services to many companies. There is a great demand for social media marketers on Instagram these days. You can start a business on Instagram. Instead of waiting for clients to approach you, you can also approach them first. This will save time and assure you of some leads.

    • Event Planner

    If you are into event planning and management, you can post pictures and videos of your successful events. It will let the viewers know the quality work you can offer to your customers.

    In a nutshell, apart from the Instagram business ideas mentioned above, there are several interesting ones. These business ideas can allow you to enjoy passive income, and with the help of which, you could save for a rainy day or make an emergency fund.

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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