
    Top 10 Lucky Plants to Change Your Life in 2021

    1. Tulsi 

    In India, a wide population is mainly from Hindu culture, and Tulsi is one of the most important plants for this culture. Tulsi is considered a holy plant and a sign of Lord Vishnu. Individuals believe that specifically Hindus, by growing this plant inside your home, you will be able to get the blessings of Lord Vishnu and the environment of the household will be filled with serenity and positivity. It also keeps negative energy away from home. Apart from these advantages, Tulsi also has various health benefits. For instance, it is good for preventing cough and cold. 

    2. Peace Lily

    The name of this plant itself describes its benefits it. This plant helps to bring positivity and peace to the environment. It is good to keep in home as it will promote calmness and also provide peace of mind. You can grow this plant even in a place where there is no sufficient sunlight. Peace Lily also brings good luck for increasing your wealth. According to Feng Shui, beautiful while flowers and large elegant green leaves of this plant facilitate to create a pleasant environment and purify the air. Growing Peace Lily in the home will definitely bring good fortune and luck even during the toughest time. 

    3. Jade Plant 

    It is a plant that has a wide range of benefits for your home. Starting from attracting money to healing relationships, the Jade plant has many benefits. In Asian countries, the Jade plant is considered a good luck charm plant which is very beneficial to keep at home as well as at your workplace. Growing Jade plants in the home will help to improve your relationships with others and reinforce positive energy in the household environment. It also brings prosperity and luck which is very good for attracting wealth. The Jade plant is the symbol of great friendship and signifies energy. 

    4. Rubber Plant

    According to Feng Shui, it is one of the luckiest plants that is available. It does not matter where you are growing it in your plant, where ever you will plant it, this plant will bring luck and prosperity. Whatever issues you are facing, at whatever place you want to pant it to solve the problem, this plant will work. And one of the main beneficial characteristics of this plant is that it can grow in any environment and the Rubber plant is quite quick to adopt new changes in the environment. 

    5. Orchids 

    Orchids is quite well-known for their beautiful flowers all over the world. Additionally, it has a powerful aura to bring good luck and promote a peaceful environment. It enhances the environment of the household with its beautiful flowers and it also brings good luck for you. And not only this but Orchids also works as a protector of a house which creates a shield for protecting the house from bad energy and negativity. It is important to grow this plant under sufficient sunlight. With proper care and maintenance, this plant also helps to improve relationships. 

    6. Palm Plant 

    The palm plant is satisfactory and beautiful to look at because of its long leaves and this plant can be used as good home décor. However, it is not only good for home decoration, but this plant also brings good luck and fortune to your home. According to Feng Shui, keeping a plan tree outside of your home is extremely lucky and attracts high positive energy for your household. It brings peace and happiness to the family. And one of the main factors regarding this plant is that it is not only good for the family but also bring luck for guests. 

    7. Snake Plant 

    It is one of the lucky plants which has both spiritual and scientific benefits. According to Feng Shui, the Snake plant has a superpower of keeping evil and negative energies away. It works as a protector of a household. Wherever you keep it at your home, it will protect the house from bad energies. Additionally, it is an effective air purifier. It absorbs toxic and poisonous air from the environment such as benzene and formaldehyde.  

    8. Lucky Bamboo 

    It is one of the most seen plants in the household that is mainly kept for bringing good fortune and luck to the home. Lucky bamboo plants work as a natural air purifier. Additionally, it is quite easy to grow a Lucky Bamboo tree as it does not require soil and much sunlight. It can be grown with a little bit of water and in a place with no sunlight. It is a very lucky plant for attracting good fortune and luck. Additionally, it is a great option as a gift. It also protects the household from bad and evil energies.   

    9. Money Plant

    This is another most well-known plant in Feng Shui for bringing good luck and prosperity. The leaves of this plant are also quite attractive and beautiful. Money plants can be planted anywhere like outside or inside of the home. In many religions, it is alleged that money is one of the strongest plants that chases away bad energies and brings wealth to the household. And very minimum efforts are required to grow money plant. And as its name refers, this plant is quite effective to reduce financial issues. It also works as an anti-radiator as well as helps to solve marital issues. 

    10. Jasmine 

    The flower of this plant is very beautiful and has a very sweet fragrance, and this sweet fragrance develops a calm and peaceful environment for your home that reinforce positive energy. It is an outdoor plant. It is a very lucky tree to improve relationships. Any type of relationship, specifically romantic, heals quickly with the influence of this plant. In order to avoid negative things from happening, you need to avoid bad luck plants. The beautiful flower and its mesmerizing smell reinforce joy and happiness which automatically heals relationship issues. It keeps away negative energy and brings luck to your home.

    Read More: Best Lucky Plants To Keep At Your Home

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    Daniyel Chatterjee
    Daniyel Chatterjee is a Young Researcher in the field of Data Science & Analytics having research experience of more than 8 years. He has a Masters in Computer Engineering and currently serves as an Editorial Assistant in IGI Global, United States of America. Daniyel also holds honorary positions in the Associate Member of Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, International Association of Engineers, Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications.

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