
    Sandeep Kumar, CEO & Director, ROI MINDS, Explains How The Company Helps Brands Generate Millions in Revenue

    ROI MINDS is a company focused on performance marketing for D2C, B2B, B2C and online entrepreneurs, specializing in fashion, beauty and health sectors.

    Sandeep Kumar, the company’s CEO & Director, explains how his organization helped brands generate $200 million in revenue. Here is an edited excerpt of the interview.

    Business Upside [BU]: What is the Key Mantra of Internet Marketing, According to you?

    Sandeep Kumar [SK]: In my opinion, there are five mantras to internet marketing, without which achieving your marketing goals will be a little more complicated.

    1. Right Buyer Persona – You must understand your audience, and you must know your target audience and proceed further with addressing and engaging with them.
    2. A High-Converting Sales Marketing Funnel – Secondly, create a marketing funnel that converts. You can do that by educating your audience about the offers and other benefits.
    3. High-Quality Traffic Generation Campaigns – Creatives are the key. Create campaigns that are incredibly captivating and engaging to generate high-quality traffic.
    4. Positive Customers Acquisition – Learn ways to engage customers, convert new buyers, and drive revenue.
    5. High Customer Retention or Lifetime Value Funnel – Provide targeted campaigns, offer a referral program, create engaging content, and optimize your customer experience.

    These mantras will help you get the hang of internet marketing.

    [BU]: What is the Reason Behind your Survival and Growth in this Hugely Competitive Sector?

    [SK]: There’s no one secret to growth; the only way to keep thriving in such a competitive sector is to keep going. We try to solve the biggest challenges of a specific market with highly successful services. We keep adjusting our traffic acquisition strategies along with the maturity of the platforms. Lastly, our consistent team training as per the trending scenarios makes the team grow better.

    [BU]: What were the Challenges you Faced during the Initial Days?

    [SK]: One of the biggest challenges was to find motivated people whose goals were aligned with the company. To fulfil our vision of becoming the best digital marketing agency in India, we needed to build a highly motivated team. To be able to achieve that, we had to go through different systems, processes, and hiring roles to build up the structure of a marketing team.

    [BU]: What should the Industry Further Focus on?

    [SK]: Ad creatives and automation is the key to the marketing future. Any digital marketing agency failing to meet these requirements will perish in the coming day.

    [BU]: What do you never Forget while Serving your Customers?

    [SK]: I don’t forget that this is a real business, and there are a lot of people dependent on it. We take responsibility for brand marketing, the most important aspect of business growth.

    We also don’t forget the limitation, challenges, competition, and delivery issues that can come, as they are a part of any business, and we mould our marketing strategies accordingly.

    [BU]: What is the Next Goal you Wish to Accomplish?

    [SK]: My next goal is to strengthen the team of ROI MINDS to deliver better, more efficient, and more profitable results with the upcoming technologies and challenges.

    [BU]: What has been your Most Satisfying Moment in Business?

    [SK]: The best moment in my business is when we get accredited by our clients for their brand growth. We feel most satisfied when we meet our clients’ growth targets and help them grow next level.

    [BU]: What do you Look for in an Employee?

    [SK]: The first and foremost thing I look for in an employee is their attitude, vision, and goals. I think the skills can be learned and taught; however, the correct attitude and determination toward work can’t be taught.

    [BU]: What, According to you, is Needed the Most to Make a Business Successful?

    [SK]: As a digital marketer, I believe marketing is an essential tool for any business to gain popularity. And we all know popularity plays a significant role in a brand’s success. A good product/service without good marketing is limited and can’t be phenomenal. Any big organization (Apple, Pepsi, BMW, IBM, etc.) is successful because of its marketing team. What even is branding without a digital marketing agency?

    [BU]: What is your Definition of Success? 

    [SK]: Success can be personal or professional. It has a different meaning for everyone. I have some goals, and achieving those are a success. Matching client, team, and agency goals, as well as reaching heights in my personal and professional life, is success to me.

    More information on Sandeep Kumar

    Company URL:-

    Also Read: Success Story of Nilesh Kataria – Founder & CEO of Speak to Uplift

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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