
    Shraddha Pandey Shares How She Runs Her Start-up, ScaleUp Marketing Solutions, with Originality and Quality

    Quitting a job and starting a company within three days is not an easy task at all. Shraddha Pandey, who preferred marketing over engineering, did the same. After gathering a handful of experience in marketing, Shraddha now has her own start-up, ScaleUp Marketing Solutions, to help businesses grow.

    Despite hurdles, Shraddha successfully gets her company on the go and aspires much more in the upcoming days. Business Upside India talks to her about several aspects of business and individual professional goals. Here is an edited excerpt of the interview.

    Edited Excerpt of the Interview

    Business Upside India [BU]: Why did you Choose this Profession?

    Shraddha Pandey [SP]: My family advised me to pursue computer science and engineering when I started my engineering career. I was not too fond of the coding portion, and as we entered the software engineering section, learning to code was required—not because it was fun to learn, but because it was forced.

    In my second year of studying engineering, I realised that although I tried, I couldn’t learn this. Yes, I tried to learn coding, but it was too difficult for me to comprehend even the most basic programmes, and I won’t say it was too difficult. When it comes to coding, cramming the codes is not the answer.

    Nevertheless, I completed the course because I do not particularly appreciate stopping in the middle of things.

    I had yet to decide what I would do after finishing my engineering! I began researching other fields to determine my willingness. It became apparent to me that I would not continue with the M. Tech. So, the question of what to do next arose!

    I chose to pursue an MBA. However, much like in engineering, there are a variety of MBA specialisations, so it was pretty challenging for me to choose the appropriate one and avoid making the same error twice.

    I attempted to learn about finance, operations, business analytics, marketing, and human resources.

    I finally realised the orientation I needed to take my work for the foreseeable future, and it was marketing!

    I decided on marketing since it was elementary for me to understand when studying the different MBA specialities!

    I never imagined that in just three years, I would be able to get to the point where I would begin managing my marketing firm.

    Marketing has a wide range of professional options as well as many real-world applications.

    A marketing degree does not necessarily have to have a single topic of study as its concentration. The availability of supplemental honours allowed me to develop my skills within the confines of a new field.

    Business analytics, which might be an excellent asset for impressing the clients, or psychology, to understand better why customers behave as they do, could be used in this situation. Many more areas come with the marketing field, like writing, graphic designing, social media marketing, SEO, communication, the art of convincing, content creation, copywriting, email marketing, performance marketing, influencer marketing and many more.

    Since marketing is broad, I could effortlessly tailor both my education and profession to my personal interests.

    [BU]: Why do you Think People should reach out to you for Digital Marketing?

    [SP]: I think daily results matter to all business people in this day and age, where people lag behind the strategy. Instead of strategies, I choose tactics. My clients may see results from a tactic in a day, week, or even a month.

    Clients must, however, wait a very long period for strategies. Although clients must wait a long time to see results, strategies can last very long. Everyone expects speedy results in today’s busy world!

    Additionally, I have handled digital marketing, graphic design, and writing projects for over 25 brands as a well-known marketer and professional writer, and I firmly feel this combination is unrivalled!

    [BU]: What is your Formula to Survive in this Hugely Competitive Market?

    [SP]: Be updated with the marketing trends, don’t stop learning new things, get insights from other marketers, and don’t I repeat this “DON’T COPY OTHERS’ WORK”! Uniqueness can take you to the next level.

    If you remember and follow this simple formula, you will be scaling up in marketing as you’ve never scaled up before!

    [BU]: What are Some of the Most Important Lessons that have Influenced your Work?

    [SP]: Here are some of the most vital lessons that have undoubtedly influenced my work:

    • Taking care of existing clients is one of the handiest ways to survive in the market. You may get many new clients, but client retention is something that will make you stand out of the crowd!
    • Be clear with whatever services you’re providing and the payment process. Advance payment is a good option for temporary work.
    • If you’re not able to handle a few tasks, don’t take it up; let your client know about your situation and be transparent!
    • Hire people, don’t start handling all the work by yourself. It will kill your creativity as well as productivity.
    • Avoid micromanagement.
    • Interact regularly with your employees, especially if you have just started your business, to get the best out of them.

    [BU]: What were the Biggest Roadblocks or Challenges you had when you first Started in the Profession, and how did you Overcome them?

    [SP]: Although it is nowadays perfectly acceptable for a woman with an MBA to work in human resources or even finance, there will be many concerns and inquiries when you enter the marketing industry. Whatever the world says, remain resolute in your choice and take all necessary steps to realise your objectives. Achievements do include challenges.

    [BU]: What are the Challenges the Industry you are in is Facing now, According to you?

    [SP]: A few of such challenges are given below:

    • Obtaining clients, generating leads, or even retaining clients.
    • Clients attempt to evaluate services because there are many marketing agencies, making retention difficult.
    • The cost of running advertising campaigns can be a problem for new businesses.
    • One of the most crucial aspects of marketing is having the right resources. You won’t be able to fulfil your client’s expectations if you don’t have the necessary resources.
    • Forming a skilled staff and educating them.
    • A rising level of competition
    • For marketers, maximising return on investment is another difficult task.
    • When you manage social media marketing, you can have strong engagement on social media sites.

    These are just a handful of the biggest difficulties I encounter; obviously, this list is excessive!

    [BU]: What has been your Most Satisfying Moment in Business?

    [SP]: Quitting my job and running my own company within just three days were the most satisfying moments in my professional career so far.

    [BU]: How did you Plan to Provide Better Results in a Crisis?

    [SP]: By getting directly involved in the activities so that my clients continue to have faith in me.

    Undoubtedly, becoming involved in tiny chores meant to be completed by my workforce is tedious and difficult.

    I invest a considerable amount of time in each of my clients to ensure they receive the outcomes they are hoping for.

    In addition, I promote their companies, which no other marketing agency’s founder has done far.

    [BU]: What is the Next Goal you Wish to Accomplish?

    [SP]: Since September 3rd, 2022, I have been running a digital marketing company called ScaleUp Marketing Solutions. I don’t currently have an office because everything is done online. I want to open an office in Bengaluru’s Electronic City phase 1 in about 1.5 to 2 years. This is the first thing that comes to mind.

    In addition, I hope to build a clientele base of at least 50 clients within the next 1.5 to 2 years.

    There is a proverb that goes, “Take aim towards the moon. You might hit a star if you miss.” I adhere to this in order to reach bigger milestones.

    [BU]: How do you Define Success?

    [SP]: Success is nothing more than persistently working toward a goal while keeping all facets of life in mind. This is not at all the correct notion of success if I am professionally successful, but my family is struggling as I failed to convey time for them because I was too preoccupied with developing my profession.

    Instead of doing this, if I could give my personal life more time, and then a moment comes when I consider improving my career, from this point on, I can advance because, five or ten years from now, I’ll be looking back and wondering, “Did I do something that I shouldn’t”? Or is there anything I didn’t accomplish since I was pursuing my objectives”?

    And if I hear “NO,” then this is how I should define success for myself.

    I’m working to advance my profession while also being mindful of not having any regrets for the rest of my life.

    Success involves more than just performing well in our professional lives; it also involves striking a balance between professional and personal life.

    Later on, whatever milestones you hit will serve as your measure of success.

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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