
    The Meesho App Company Announces an 11-Day Mental Wellness Reset and Recharge Period Break for Employees

    Meesho App, an e-commerce startup headquartered in Bengaluru, has announced an 11-day mental health break to prioritise staff well-being when the impending holiday pressure has subsided.

    For the second year in a row, the online clothing retailer will grant all employees time off to “reset and recharge” from October 22, 2022, to November 1, 2022. After the hectic holiday shopping season, this programme will enable staff to switch off work and prioritise their mental health entirely.

    Why Workplace Mental Wellness is Important at Work?

    Take a moment to consider how your mental health affects your performance. You approach your task positively when you’re in good emotional and mental health. You’re versatile, adaptive, and strong. Challenges are challenging. Your team benefits from the essential contributions you provide and both your contributions.

    Even if your mental health problems aren’t serious, they can negatively affect your job in several ways.

    The Meesho Reset and Recharge Programme: 2nd Year in a Row

    According to Meesho, the decision reflects the company’s ongoing commitment to creating an employee-friendly workplace that places emphasis on overall well-being.

    Meesho thought Reset and Recharge would open the door for other businesses to implement employee-first policies when burnout and anxiety are serious issues for today’s workforce.

    More about Meesho App Employee Mental Wellness Programs

    Recognizing the importance of work-life balance, rest, and rejuvenation for employee well-being is a prerequisite for creating a thriving organisational culture.

    According to Ashish Kumar Singh, chief human resources officer at Meesho, “we continue to push the limit and rethink traditional workplace conventions through Reset and Recharge.” Employees are free to select how they want to unwind, whether by visiting family and friends, taking a trip, or taking up a new activity. These innovative approaches have improved our attention on our employees and given us retention rates among the highest in the business.

    Meesho claimed to have developed several achievements for the industry and cutting-edge policies, including a boundaryless workplace model, unlimited wellness leave, 30-week gender-neutral parental leave, and 30-day gender reassignment leave. According to the firm, the Reset and Recharge strategy strengthens its ongoing initiatives to develop a dynamic workplace based on employee flexibility and empowerment.

    Meesho claimed that its extensive MeeCARE programme improves the employees’ and their families’ overall well-being. It enables workers to strike a balance between their work and personal goals. Through a combination of policy, benefits, and other activities, MeeCARE addresses a broad range of wellness objectives.

    The Meesho app company’s concerted efforts to create a dynamic workplace built on the foundations of employee flexibility and empowerment are amplified by this new policy.

    Also Read: Meesho App: What Kind of Application Is It?

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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