
    Google Chrome 101 – Live and Running and What’s New

    Following the release of Android 13 Beta 1, Google had another release: Chrome 101. In comparison to the big Chrome 100 milestone, Chrome 101 will not be as big as an update but a smaller one, which will mostly be changes involving developers. Following the Chrome 101 release date, new features are available. Wait for more to come. 

    Google Chrome 101 – What are the other features

    Check out the features after Chrome 101 download. 

    • Chrome 101 will allow you to add notes on desktops for saved passwords

    Once you have enabled the chorme://flags/#password-notes flag and restart the browser, you will be allowed to add notes to the saved passwords. This is beneficial because it helps you remember when you last changed the password, the time you created it, security questions and answers, and so on. As such, you can make notes of the same. 

    • Tab group savings on desktops

    A net productivity feature is the tab groups. These help you make sure every website stays separate from the other while researching. You can do the same even while you are shopping. However, Chrome 101 is looking forward to a new flag. It was under trial, but it will be able to save tabs that are currently open or bookmark bar, enabling quick access without leaving the website available.

    • Changes to download user interface

    Chrome is also working on downloads that it prefers to redesign for a workflow in tandem with the other browsers available in the market. Unlike the downloaded files placed at the bottom of the bar, the Chrome 101 menu will now neatly tuck away at the right of the address bar. As such, you will be able to see the individual downloaded files, and you will also be able to perform other actions like aborting and canceling the downloads as and when you need to. 

    In a nutshell, other updates have been taking place behind the scenes. Chrome 101 is available with the option that will allow the device to forget those USB devices that were previously connected. This serves as a remedy since it prevents the workflow from getting clogged up. Another new option has been added that will allow you to alter the window’s height, which will enable you to adjust and optimize the algorithms. Priority Hints is another feature that developers can make use of. By doing so, developers can choose parts that they would like to load in order. 

    Chrome 101 download is available over the website of Google for your desktop. For Android devices, PlayStore will also serve your purpose and APK Mirror. 

    Also Read: Best Chrome Extensions To Personalize and Customize Browsing Experience

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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