
    How to Find ‘On This Day’ on Instagram?

    We all get a rush of nostalgia now and then, precisely when something good happens. Like, on this day, at this time, last year we all were together and had lots of fun. Memories are such beautiful things that fill our life with happiness and joy. Nowadays, we all use social media every day like it’s a daily part of our life. Some of us don’t even remember when we first started to use social media and made beautiful memories with it. Instagram included unique features like ‘On This Day’ and revisiting old memories in your account to recollect those moments.

    Features like ‘On This Day’ enable you to revisit old memories that you miss the most. The memories you want to relive and share with your close ones once again and spread happiness and joy. In the era of digitalisation, social media platforms like Instagram have made it relatively easy to quickly revisit and relocate our old memories by following some easy steps. Here are the ways to revisit your cherishable memories on Instagram and share it with your close ones.

    How to find this day on Instagram?

    People who use Instagram more for just watching reels and liking posts, rather than utilising and exploring new features of the app, maybe a bit complicated process and hard to understand. Apart from that, it is pretty easy to find the ‘on this day’ option on Instagram to revisit your cherishable memories on Instagram and share it with your close ones by following the below steps; you can find the ‘on this day’ option on Instagram.

    Step 1: Go to the option for ‘Your Story’

    Step 2: Then, you will get several options on your left-hand side; among them, click on ‘Create’

    Step 3: After that, a new page will open, where you can see more options below. Select the ‘on this day’ option among them.

    Step 4: After clicking on this icon, you will be able to revisit your old memories of Instagram. Then share your old memories as per your preferences.

    This option let you revisit the activities like when you started to follow particular people on Instagram or who started to follow you a few months back and became one of your good friends.

    How to get memories on Instagram?

    Some of you must wonder where the option is for ‘on this day, even after following the provided guidelines. For some reason, it has been observed that few people are unable to access the option as the app is not showing the icon. As a solution for this situation, you can always revisit your old Instagram memories in a new way by following these below steps.

    Step 1: Go to your profile

    Step 2: Click on the top of the right-hand side

    Step 3: Click on the Archive option

    Then it will take you to the old memories of your Instagram. However, this option will only take you to all the memories you had uploaded in your story, starting when you first started using Instagram.

    Also Read: Where do the Hashtags Belong – Caption or Comments

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    Daniyel Chatterjee
    Daniyel Chatterjee is a Young Researcher in the field of Data Science & Analytics having research experience of more than 8 years. He has a Masters in Computer Engineering and currently serves as an Editorial Assistant in IGI Global, United States of America. Daniyel also holds honorary positions in the Associate Member of Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, International Association of Engineers, Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications.

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