
    Patanjali Amla Juice – Benefits and How to Administer?

    Amla is an Indian gooseberry. Patanjali has its own brand of this preparation known by the name Patanjali Amla Juice. It is a light brown colour juice that is rich in vitamin C. It is made from the finest Indian gooseberries and has a sour taste without missing the taste of amla, which is more or less astringent. Let us learn more about the Patanjali Amla juice and its benefits here.

    Patanjali Amla Juice – Explore the Usefulness

    The amla juice is produced after extracting liquid from the gooseberry. As mentioned, it is a natural source of Vitamin C and is loaded with essential nutrients and antioxidants.

    The Amla juice benefits are many, and the most important ones are mentioned below. These include the following-

    1. Amla boosts immunity, helps with hyperacidity, regulates metabolism, and addresses eye problems, anaemia, and skin ailments. It is regarded as a powerful blood purifier.
    2. What makes it a powerful antioxidant? The presence of phosphorus, carotene, Vitamin B complex, iron, and calcium makes it a powerful antioxidant and a superfood. It protects the body by releasing free radicals from oxidative stress.
    3. If you take amla juice with honey at least two times a day, you get relief from symptoms of bronchitis and asthma.
    4. Patanjali amla juice is a good laxative and aids in constipation.
    5. Amla juice offers protection from cardiovascular disease, thereby strengthening the heart muscles. It helps in the management of heart problems as well.
    6. You get relief from chronic constipation on regular consumption.
    7. One of the benefits of Patanjali Amla juice is that it slows down the signs of aging.
    8. For people with diabetes, there is good news. Taking amla juice with a bit of turmeric powder can help your blood sugar levels.
    9. Some of the other Amla juice benefits include treating acne and pimples
    10. Prevents premature greying of hair and hair fall
    11. It improves haemoglobin and makes bones and teeth stronger

    All these benefits make this product very useful for you to use. Once you start using it regularly, you will reap its benefits to the fullest.

    How to Administer Patanjali Amla Juice?

    The Patanjali Amla juice contains one ingredient that is used as a preservative. It is benzoate. Every 5 ml contains 5 ml of amla juice.

    Regarding the shelf life, you must use it within 1 month of opening the bottle.

    The dosage is 20 ml with an equal amount of water two times a day. But once, at least, you must take it on an empty stomach. Since the amla juice is sour and you may not be able to take it alone, it is best to mix it with some water or honey. This will balance the taste.

    An important aspect that you must remember is that since it contains sodium benzoate as a preservative, the Patanjali amla juice reacts with Vitamin C to produce benzene, a causative agent for cancer.

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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