More; A Big Surprise is Awaiting

    When is Apple’s electric car coming out? Like millions of people worldwide, you may also be anticipating it for long. Well, you need to wait further. As per the, Apple is not going to bring its hugely anticipate EV until 2026. The tech giant has declared to postpone the release for three years.

    About the Car

    Reports claim that the company had earlier planned to develop a self-driving vehicle that neither has a steering wheel nor pedals. But now we have come to know that the car finally features a lot more traditional design. It will have a steering wheel, driver’s seat, and pedals. While it will not be a fully autonomous vehicle, it will have the features to drive itself on highways. During that time, the passengers can enjoy watching videos or playing games inside the car. These exciting features are the reasons why people are waiting to see the vehicle or drive it. Evidently, has disappointed them with the news of the delay in launch.

    According to reports, this delay is scaling back the dreams for Apple’s self-using and electric-powered vehicle venture named “Titan.” The company had to withdraw the thoughts of making it a limo-like car where two people can sit. As the scope of the project was reduced, it couldn’t take place.

    When the car is in a city region or has to run through inclement weather, it will require a driver to manipulate it.

    Another important news about the apple car is that its price has also dropped. Earlier, the price was $120,000. Now, it will cost $100,000.

    While the car is hitting the market by 2026, the testing will begin in 2025.

    The vehicle’s design has yet to be entirely ready, and the company is working on it. The procedure may take the whole of 2024 to get a complete form. Then, the features will roll out for the final time. With the total design and the complete list of features, the apple car is expected to start its dream run sometime in 2026.

    Why the delay is not unexpected?

    Even though Apple is a creative and seasoned firm, handling the massive task of creating an electric car from scratch is difficult. Its accuracy demands a lot of time and efficiency.

    Additionally, the automobile industry’s protection guidelines for self-sustaining cars constantly change, and the sector monitors everything closely.

    The company may have included the guidance wheel and driver’s seat to make it more conventional for other reasons. The change in the final design may replicate issues in navigating the complex regulatory surroundings.

    However, the time Apple is taking must be worth it, as some fantastic and extraordinary features will seemingly come. The new apple car must have some top-notch safety and enjoyable features.

    Final words

    While has left many fans sad, there is a positive side too. Firstly, the company has thought and refined the car’s design. Secondly, the cost is cheaper now. The vehicle will be accessible to more customers now.

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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