
    Resignation Letter: Get to Know the Letter Format Today

    Knowing how to write a good resignation letter is an art. This is because a good resignation letter often does not lead to any misunderstandings, which is quite common these days. Thus, knowing the letter format by looking at a resignation letter example is important.

    Along with it, knowing the right list of vocabulary you can use in your letter of resignation is important too. If these things are right, then the resignation letter template does not matter at the end. This is because the content of the 2-week notice letter will be impactful enough.

    What is a Resignation Letter?

    A resignation letter is defined to be an official letter that is sent by an employee to their employer. This effectively leads to giving notice that they will no longer be working at the company. In other words, it is defined to be an official form of quitting.

    The goal of the letter of resignation is to create an official record of notice. It is to effectively provide details about the employee’s last day, outline any next steps, and maintain a positive relationship with the employer.

    How to Write a Resignation Letter? Explore the Tips

    The consensus on letters of resignation is that it must be shorter, only then it gets better. This means that there is no need to provide a long-winded explanation of why you are quitting. 

    Instead, it is best to be direct and professional and outline important information about the termination process. Thus, here are some helpful tips for writing your short resignation letter or resignation email:

    1. Be direct and to the point. This means that you have to mention that you are quitting in the first paragraph or even the first sentence.
    2. Be professional and do not use it as an opportunity to complain, insult, or criticize the company or other employees.
    3. Give notice of your last day. This is to be done by providing the specific date you are agreeing to work until
    4. Provide information about the transition. With this regard, you may offer to help find your replacement. You may also agree to finish certain projects and tasks before your last day.
    5. Proofread and spell check. This means that you have to be sure to thoroughly proofread the letter before submitting it to make sure all information is accurate and there are no typos.
    6. Seek legal advice. This is depending on the nature of your position. Thus, you may wish to seek professional legal advice about your resignation process.

    Resignation Letter: Formal Letter Format

    Knowing the format of the letter of resignation template is very important. Thus, keeping in mind the two weeks notice letter, check this out:

    [Your Name]

    [Your Street Address]

    [Your City, State/Province, Country]

    [Your Phone Number]

    [Your Email Address]

    [Today’s Date]

    [Employer Contact Name]

    [Employer Title]

    [Employer Company Name]

    Dear [Employer Contact Name],

    [First paragraph: I am writing to provide you with my formal notice of resignation from The Company.  My last day will be January 19, 2018, two weeks from today.]

    [Second paragraph: This was not an easy decision to make, and I appreciate your support throughout my employment at The Company.  I genuinely value the experience, training, and knowledge I gained over the past five years. It has been a pleasure working with you and the team.

    [Third paragraph: Please let me know how I can help during this transition. I wish you all the best as the company continues to grow.]


    [Image of Signature]

    [Your Name]

    Thus, follow this letter template. This can be used thoroughly for a 2 weeks notice letter. Plus, this will also lead you to write a good and diplomatic way of how to write a 2 week notice.

    How to Use a Resignation Letter Template?

    If you want, then you may wish to use this template to help you write your letter efficiently. Thus, for this and to write a good resignation letter, you must thoroughly and properly use these steps:

    1. Copy and paste the template into an MS Word Document, Google Doc, or email.
    2. Add all your details and contact information.
    3. Rewrite the paragraphs in your own words to describe your situation.
    4. Proofread and spell check.
    5. Submit the letter via email, mail, or in person.

    Resignation Letter: Keep These in Mind

    Keeping these points about the resignation letter will help you to advance thoroughly. This is because these tips about the resignation letter are very important. Thus, you must get ahead with it and thoroughly follow the below advices:

    What You Must Be Sure Of?

    1. Deliver both a printed copy with your signature and an email copy.
    2. Discuss the final details of your employment. This must consist of the last few days on the job.
    3. Offer to help transition the role to someone else at the company.
    4. Provide the required amount of notice. This must include the number of days will be listed in your original employment agreement.
    5. Organize your desk and personal affairs in the event the company asks you to leave immediately.

    What You Must Try to Avoid?

    1. Criticizing the company or any people who work there.
    2. Refusing to come in and work for the duration of your notice period. This is to be done unless you are asked not to come back.
    3. Bragging about some amazing new opportunity of a job you found.
    4. Avoiding your boss and refusing to talk about transition planning.
    5. Convincing co-workers that they should resign too.
    6. Spreading rumors or misinformation.

    Why Must You Give Importance to Your Writing Skills for Your Resignation Letter?

    You must always give a lot of importance to your writing skills while writing a resignation letter. This is because it will reflect that you are a no nonsense person.

    Apart from that, it will make your resignation letter look professional too. Therefore, be sure of your writing skills before you decide to write a resignation letter.

    It Helps You to Get Hired

    Writing skills are known to be quite imperative to the hiring process. A well-written cover letter and CV can help you make a good impression. Plus, a thorough knowledge of persuasive language techniques can further convince a recruiter of your potential.

    Shows Your Professionalism

    Business writing skills are important. This is because they are used in various communication channels. Thus, to give you an idea of how many there are, here is a list of the most common writing forms in the workplace:

    1.   Email
    2.   Social media posts
    3.   Text message
    4.   Website copy
    5.   Press release
    6.   Presentation
    7.   Business proposal
    8.   Work report
    9.   Internal memo
    10.   Newsletter
    11.   Official document
    12.   Instruction manual
    13.   CV
    14.   Cover letter
    15.   Job description

    Subject Lines for a Good Resignation Letter

    Below is a list of some good subject lines that are required for a good resignation letter. Thus, check them out thoroughly:

    1. Resignation Notice: [Your Name]
    2. Formal Resignation Letter: [Your Name]
    3. Notice of Resignation from [Your Name]
    4. Resignation Announcement: [Your Name]
    5. Resignation Effective [Date]: [Your Name]
    6. Meeting Request: Resignation Discussion
    7. Requesting a Meeting: Resignation Discussion
    8. Scheduling a Meeting: Resignation Announcement
    9. Resignation Discussion: Your Availability Requested
    10. Meeting Request: Resignation Notice and Handover
    11. Resignation Update: [Your Name]
    12. Update: Resignation Effective [Date]
    13. Resignation Follow-up: Confirmation and Next Steps
    14. Follow-up on Resignation: Confirming Departure Details
    15. Resignation Update: Confirmation and Transition Timeline

    Different Subject Lines for Resignation Letter

    1. Good Riddance to [Your Name]
    2. Out of Office Forever: Thanks for the Memories!
    3. Adios!
    4. Freedom At Last, Resignation Notice Inside!
    5. Resignation.exe Activated: Please Stand Clear of Confetti
    6. Onwards and Upwards: My Resignation
    7. Farewell but Not Goodbye…
    8. The Start of a New Chapter: My Resignation
    9. Grateful for Everything: Resignation Announcement
    10. My Next Adventure: Resignation Notice Inside

    Polite Subject Lines for Resignation Letter

    1. Formal Resignation: Thank You for Everything
    2. Resignation Announcement: Departure from [company name]
    3. Resignation Notice: Grateful for My Time Here
    4. Formal Notice: Resigning from [company name]
    5. My Resignation: Thank You for the Journey

    Urgent Subject Lines

    1. Immediate Resignation
    2. Urgent Resignation
    3. Resignation ASAP: Seeking Expedited Departure
    4. Urgent Notice: Resignation Effective Immediately
    5. Immediate Departure: Resignation Request


    These are some of the things that you must know when you are planning to draft a resignation letter or a resignation email. Our decision to resign may have a lot of reasons. However, it solely lies in you to write a good resignation letter. This is because it solely highlights you as a person and your future endeavors.


    What is a resignation letter?

    Ans: It is defined to be a letter which states that you will not be working at the designated firm.

    Can a resignation letter be penned anytime?

    Ans: Yes. It can be penned anytime.

    Are subject lines important for a resignation letter or email?

    Ans: Yes. It is very important.

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    David William
    David William comes from an Engineering background, with a specialization in Information Technology. He has a keen interest and expertise in Web Development, Data Analytics, and Research. He trusts in the process of growth through knowledge and hard work.

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