
    Debentures Meaning, Types Feature Know Everything about it

    Let us explain what debentures meaning stands for. Market-linked debenture income is subject to short-term capital gain taxes at the applicable rates.

    Every firm needs money to maintain its operations. The majority of businesses raise capital by issuing publicly traded shares. But not all businesses can borrow money by issuing bonds and debentures. We’ll talk about the features of debentures.

    Debentures Meaning Explained

    The Latin word “debere,” meaning to borrow money or take out a loan, is where the word “debenture” originates. It is a debt instrument that might or might not have any collateral as security.

    Debentures meaning implies they are used by businesses and governments to raise finance by soliciting public loans. In layman’s terms, it is a legal document that details the principal investment amount, the interest rate, and the payment schedule. At maturity, the investor receives both the principal and interest.

    Features of Debenture

    The principle features of debenture are as follows:

    • Assure

    It is a formal declaration that the issuing business owes the bearer the stipulated sum.

    • True Worth

    The face value of a debenture is typically a multiple of 100 rupees or a high denomination of that amount.

    • Duration of Payment

    The corporation issues this debt instrument with a maturity date specified in the certificate. It specifies when the principal and interest will be repaid on maturity.

    • Rate of Interest

    A set rate of interest is paid to the holders on a semi-annual or annual basis. The corporation, the state of the market, and the type of business operations influence the instrument’s interest rate.

    • Repayment Guarantee

    This long-term loan instrument includes an assurance of repayment on the designated due date according to the deed. They can also be exchanged for cash at par, premium, or discount.

    What Kinds of Debentures are there?

    Depending on its goals and needs, a firm has the power to issue various kinds of debentures. The sorts of debentures are based on the following:

    • Security
    • Tenure
    • Convertibility
    • Coupon Rate
    • Registration
    • Redemption

    Benefits and Drawbacks of Purchasing a Debenture

    The advantages and disadvantages of debentures of investing in debentures are highlighted in the following sections:

    • Debentures are debt instruments that the business issues and contain a set interest rate guarantee for the repayment period.

    The corporation is financially burdened with paying interest and principal if there are no earnings.

    • In contrast to the sale of equity or preferred shares, the issuance of debentures is one of the most efficient ways for a corporation to raise money.

    The company’s creditors are those who possess debentures. Beyond the interest rate and principal sum, they are not permitted to assert profits.

    The company’s profit decreases during the depression, making it more challenging to pay interest.


    You can find the debentures meaning in this article. Debentures are among the most popular financial instruments businesses use to raise capital. A debenture is a bond that acknowledges a debt and contains provisions for principal and interest repayment provisions that a company issues under its seal.

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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