
    Effective Ways In Which We Can Increase Productivity

    In today’s competitive era, we tend to take on new challenges and multi-task in our day-to-day work.  But we must utilize our time specific to what is feasible at a certain moment. Instead of just doing what lies at hand there are some ways that we can do the same more efficiently. When we get into the habit of doing things in certain ways, life becomes much easier. 

    Here are some basic ways in which you can increase your productivity:

    Time Yourself

    We often unnecessarily spend more time on something. Research shows, only 17% of people can estimate the time spent accurately. It is very important to take note of how much time we are devoting to a certain task. And such important tasks should be tracked and timed accordingly. Nowadays a task scheduler app can help in maintain deadlines for various tasks. 

    Avoid Multitasking

    When we have too much on our plate it is difficult to concentrate on important things. This can divert our focus and in turn make our tasks incomplete. While trying to do several tasks at the same time may end up wasting more time and energy. Multiple tasks at hand and switching between them may result in creating mental blocks. This reduces productivity by up to 40%.

    Be Energised

    The human body cannot take more than it is supposed to. To be at our best we need to keep ourselves amped up. Waking up early, proper exercise, and regular intake of food keep our body recharged and ready to work. A reasonable amount of sleep helps us relax and increases focus. 

    Take a Break

    We should make sure that we take regular breaks even while working to deal with stress. Just standing up or taking a two-minute stroll once in a while relieves a lot of pressure. This also prevents possible body pain while doing something for a long stretch and helps to maintain posture. It has been noticed that listening to music or doing a favorite hobby can do wonders in this case. 

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    Minimize Distractions and Interruptions

    Today’s GEN-Z cannot spend a minute without the internet and smartphones. We cannot resist ourselves to look at our phones for notifications every once in a while. This can often hinder the effective time required for a certain job. Just silencing gadgets and diverting phone calls for some time can quite easily help increase concentration. Any additional noises in the surroundings should be minimized to bring in focus on something important. A calm and stable environment helps the workflow and speed. 


    One should always focus on what’s important get it done as soon as possible within the deadline. Some of us prefer to create a “to-do list” to keep a track of the tasks. However, while making such a list one should keep in mind what is worth keeping in the list. If there’s a job that has a low priority then there is no use keeping it on the list. This list helps us to get right to a job instead of thinking about what to do next. However, one must remember that at the end of the day we have to give our health the maximum priority. This is because when we over-stress ourselves, we become exhausted and we do not have enough power to work efficiently

    Be Prepared

    One should keep the necessary tools and things required ready before working. For example, when a graphic designer does not have the necessary software for making his creative installed. This makes the designer spend time on doing the needful when he could have spent the time on his project. We should also organize our work environment to keep our minds focused. Sometimes de-cluttering our workspace can reduce anxiety and thereby increase productivity

    At Your Best

    Do the most valuable work when you are at your best. Some people are most productive in the morning while some people are so in the night. Choose your favorite time and embrace it, because that is the time when you are the freshest and alert. This way we can give a job the attention it needs. 

    Stop Saying Tomorrow

    We have a frequent habit of procrastinating because of lethargy, or the mindset that we can do it later. However, if you have the time to do it, why not do it then and there? No matter you many times we repeat this to ourselves, somehow, we never do it. So, stop procrastinating from today. You will find huge changes in your day-to-day life. You will end up getting more free time and have every task up to date on your to-do list. 

    The more productive we are, the more free time we will get, and hence greater will be the workflow. At the end of the day do not let the rush make you feel defeated and exhausted. Enjoy what you are doing and remember to take some time out for yourselves. Remain positive and take enough rest to get through each day with a brand new zeal.

    Also Read: MicroLoan Makes the Life Flexible and Hassle-Free 

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    Daniyel Chatterjee
    Daniyel Chatterjee is a Young Researcher in the field of Data Science & Analytics having research experience of more than 8 years. He has a Masters in Computer Engineering and currently serves as an Editorial Assistant in IGI Global, United States of America. Daniyel also holds honorary positions in the Associate Member of Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, International Association of Engineers, Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications.

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