
    Guideline to Activate the Recovery Contact on iPhone, iPad, and Mac

    What is recovery contact?

    Generally, by the term Recovery Contact, individuals will perceive the idea that it means recovering contact lists in their mobile phones. Well, this Recovery Contact is not that. When it comes to Recovery Contact on iOS 15, iPad OS 15, and macOS Monterey, it refers to a particular individual who will have the authority to verify the identity of the iOS 15, iPad OS 15, and macOS Monterey owner and help the owner to access his/her account in emergencies. For instance, you get locked out or forget your Mac’s password or you need some important data from Mac but you are not around, then with the help of your ‘recovery contact’ person, you will be able to log in to your account. Your Recovery Contact should be the person you trust the most and that can be someone from your family or your friends, whoever you trust the most. 

    Now few things you need to remember while activating your Recovery Contact on iOS 15, iPad OS 15, and macOS Monterey

    • You can have a maximum of five Recovery Contacts for your one account.
    • Apple also does not record any data or information regarding your Recovery Contact to protect your privacy. Therefore, you need to remember who exactly your Recovery Contact is. 
    • The recovery Contact person should be above 13 years old. 
    • Apple ID’s two-factor authentication must be activated. 

    How to set up a recovery contact on iOS 15 and iPad OS 15?

    • Go to setting and select your name 
    • Select Password & Security and then Account Recovery option
    • You will get the Recovery Assistant option, under which you need to select Add Recovery Contact. Then need to authenticate Touch ID or Face ID
    • Then select any one person from your contact list who you trust the most 
    • If you select a person who is not a family member then the person needs to accept a request. But a family member would be added automatically. 
    • After this process, you will get a notification that you have added a Recovery Contact successfully. 
    • If your Recovery Contact is not interested in being your recovery contact anymore and removes them from it, you will automatically get a notification for it. 

    How to set up a recovery contact on macOS Monterey?

    • Select Apple menu > System Preferences > Apple ID 
    • Under the account name, select Password & Security 
    • Then select Manage right next to Account Recovery 
    • After that, you need to click on Add button [which is just a + sign in a square box] and select Add Recovery Contact. Then need to authenticate Touch ID or Face ID
    • If you select a person who is not a family member, then the person needs to accept a request. But a family member would be added automatically. 
    • After this process, you will get a notification that you have added a Recovery Contact successfully.
    • So, you can follow all the given step by step processes properly, and then it will certainly be easy for you to set up the recovery contact in the best way possible.

    Also Read: macOS Monterey – Apple’s New Desktop OS

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    Daniyel Chatterjee
    Daniyel Chatterjee is a Young Researcher in the field of Data Science & Analytics having research experience of more than 8 years. He has a Masters in Computer Engineering and currently serves as an Editorial Assistant in IGI Global, United States of America. Daniyel also holds honorary positions in the Associate Member of Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology, International Association of Engineers, Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications.

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