
    How the Delhi based Agritech Start-up Resham Sutra is Changing Lives

    India is one of the top 6 countries where Agritech startup ideas are shaping up remarkably to emerge as business entities that are also serving the country on a larger scale. Many startups have mushroomed in the country and this is one of the most prominent ones.

    These startups are bringing about a radical change in the agricultural landscape in the country. As per reports, startups in 2016 contributed 9% in global investments and recorded net value worth USD 313.

    Let us find out here in the paragraphs that follow how Agritech start-up in India, Resham sutra is helping by bringing smiles on the face of the needy.

    Resham Sutra- Changing Lives for a Broader Horizon

    Having completed his Master of Business Administration, Kunal Vaid joined Needlepointe Textiles Pvt Ltd, which was his family business. Needlepointe had entered into a partnership with Jharkhand Government to sell the first organic silk product that is certified by the state for over a decade.

    He was witness to the drudgery people suffered at these factories where women had agonizing experiences with skin injuries, back and joint pain. On seeing this state of women Kunal decided to help these rural women by employing new technologies.

    He started thinking about a machine that would do away with the painful manufacturing process and offer a better quality of life, improved productivity, and a faster procedure to take the work to completion.

    This gave birth to the Resham sutra in Delhi five years later. The demand for the prototype of his machine increased. This venture has helped India’s rural entrepreneurs to produce and market silk and handloom products and another electric reeling, spinning, and weaving machines and earn profit at the same time.

    Why has Resham Sutra Earned Accolades?

    Due to the following reasons, this Agritech start-up in India has won a pat on its back from all quarters.

    1. Sustainable Development

    The majority of the machines of Resham sutra machines are run by solar energy and this has shown a lot of improvement in the working conditions thereby allowing for creating higher income for more than 10,000 silk workers in the country.

    2. Fostering Livelihood

    All activities of the Resham Sutra are directed towards arranging livelihood for handweavers belonging to a few of the poorest places in the country. Activities include rearing of silk cocoons with the tribals living in the Jharkhand forest areas and other states aside from spinning silk yarns. This venture also looks into traditional hand weaving and handloom weaving.

    Resham Sutra is the proud winner of the prestigious Ashden Award UK for “powering rural businesses” and ISHOW award given by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. In the year 2020, it was selected as “Top 10 startups in Agritech” by the National Startup Mission, Government of India.

    Also Read: Egreens Sets Up Rs 15Cr Fund for Early-Stage Agritech Start-Ups

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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