
    Multi-factor Authentication – Pros, Cons, and More

    Multifactor authentication or MFA is a security-related technology that needs many or multiple methods of verification of a user’s identity from independent categories for login or any transaction.

    Multi-factor authentication means combining more than one, usually two or more credentials independent of each other. And these independent credentials can include a password you enter, and the other is a security token like that of biometric verification methods.

    Multifactor Authentication – Essential Aspects

    What is the purpose of MFA or Multi-factor Authentication? The main objective of the technology is to develop a layered defense that will make it even more difficult for any unauthorized individual to break through a target, like a physical location, database, network, or computing device.

    Suppose at least one factor fails to offer security. In that case, the second layer of defense can prevent the unauthorized person from accessing any information not meant for him.

    What is Two-factor Authentication?

    One of the biggest drawbacks of using a conventional ID and password is that it can be compromised, and specific automated password cracking tools can help guess passwords and user IDs. These tools go on finding the credentials until the correct sequence matches, which can cost many companies thousands of dollars in loss.

    Although there is a system wherein the account gets blocked after a couple of failed login attempts, there are several other methods by which hackers or scam artists can break in. This makes the incorporation or implementation of the Authentication app.

    What are the Pros of Multifactor Authentication?

    This security technology was introduced to the security system and can be made stronger through the network, systems, hardware, and software applications. As we have seen earlier, the main objective is to keep the transactions of investors safe and to maintain the integrity and identity of the user. Let us find out the pros and cons here.


    • The technology adds security layers to the personal, software, and hardware security layers.
    • The system can make it easier to carry out transactions because the OTPs are sent to the phones, making it difficult to break in the hackers.
    • Can minimize security breaches by as much as 99.9%
    • Even users can set it up.
    • Allows businesses to restrict time, location, and day by using the method
    • Although there is scalable cost that may be expensive, other highly effective and sophisticated tools can also be used for smaller businesses.


    • You need a phone to receive the text code
    • Hardware token might get misplaced
    • You can lose your phone
    • Biometric data or browser fingerprint that is calculated may not be accurate always and can give false negatives or positives.

    Hence, multifactor authentication has ultimate significance to secure your online safety and protection to the fullest.

    Also Read: Microsoft Accounts Can Now Go Password Less — Here’s How To Log In Without A Password

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    Josie Patra
    Josie Patra is a veteran writer with 21 years of experience. She comes with multiple degrees in literature, computer applications, multimedia design, and management. She delves into a plethora of niches and offers expert guidance on finances, stock market, budgeting, marketing strategies, and such other domains. Josie has also authored books on management, productivity, and digital marketing strategies.

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