
    Your Event Planning Process Determines Your Future Success in Event Management

    Event management is one of the largest businesses which is booming in the market. Every third day an event management company rises from nothing and reaches a good position. But to do that one must learn their way around a good event planning process without which they shall not be able to run an event successfully. To make an event a grand success people in the same industry must learn their way around the various processes of running an event management company. And a good event planner knows their way around finding out every possible loophole to make sure that there are no casualties in the event while making the event run successfully.

    So how is that people don’t know what event management is and are still opening an event management company worth millions without hesitating even once? There are many secrets to the industry where we’ve decided to spill a few secrets for you to be a successful event planner with a killer event planning process. But first…

    What Is Event Management?

    If we are to put a definition to it then according to Wikipedia it is “the application of project management to the creation and development of large scale events. It involves studying the brand, identifying the target audience, devising the event concept, planning the logistics and coordinating the technical aspects before actually launching the event” which pretty much sums up the real meaning of event management and answers your question about exactly what is event management.

    Event Management

    Unfortunately, a lot of people who aren’t event planners probably think that event planning is a piece of cake. Because these non-event planner types think that when it comes to managing an event, all you need to do is get some food, book a band and maybe send out invitations to people. But sadly, an event planning process isn’t all that and a bag of chips. For creating an event that too a successful one, an event planner needs to work very hard, have a diverse set of skills from project planning to budgets.

    Every year, every event management company spread all across the country has to manage various events ranging from major events like fashion shows to minor ones like birthday parties. All of them may require various types of efforts but they all need the same determination in their event planning process to make sure that whatever they plan goes smoothly without any breakage in the entire gala session. One must make sure that what they plan goes exactly according to it with minimum to no damage done at all.

    Got No Capital? It’s Okay!

    If you’ve wanted to start an event management company and constantly been wanting to know how to start an event planning business with no money, this article has got you and your little group of helpers (team) covered. Here are a few simple steps for you to know how to start an event planning business without any money at all:

    1.Know Your Events

    You will surely be working as an event planner in an event management company or you’re probably the owner of it. But as an event planner, you must know the difference between the various types of events that you or your company has to plan and manage to make it run smoothly.

    2.Know Where Your Strength Lies

    Surely you have no money but you still are here for planning a great event out of the minimal resources that you have, but to do that you must know what your company of event planners are good at and use that to make sure that the event you’re planning is a grand success.

    3.Propose Support Services

    A lot of large event companies do tend to outsource look for that opportunity and offer support services like meet and assist services at travel facilities, press and publicity by writing press releases and other stuff. Starting as an event management company has multiple benefits like gaining experience for your future as event planners and an event management company, making contacts with people and the most important bit is you can make money which you can save for your future in the business later.



    Now that you’ve gained all this experience, get to advertising about your brand as an event management company. Start networking and maintain a strong bond with banquet halls, florists, caterers and much more. Get leads about various events and their organizers. Build a good rapport while taking credit from your contacts. Go online and advertise the hell out of your business on your website and social media and always remember to get customer feedback from people you have catered to add as a testimony to your business.

    5.Get funding

    Get a sponsor or loan or sell your shares to a bigger company but make sure you have enough funding to be an event management company. You will need these findings to run your company, pay your event planners and mostly keep adding to your widgets as an event management company.

    Get Funding

    Now that you’ve learned how to start an event planning business with no money let’s get a little more into the deep seas of a good event planning process.

    Party Planners on the GO!

    Party planners from all over the world already look into catering, venue, safety and much more. But how on Earth are you supposed to let people know about your event? Sure there are social media but you do need creatives for that as well.

    Party Planners

    You simply can’t put up an update like “PARTY AT MY PLACE” and expect people in numbers of thousands to just come to join and participate in the event, can you? So what do party planners exactly do to fuel up their event planning process and give people a good online and offline presence about their event? Well, they make business event invitations. But to do that one must know about websites or services that do business event invitation templates. These business event invitation templates then get turned into posters and digital cards to spread out the word about an event happening in your city. And there are several websites like or, and some of these are free while some of these are paid. So what are you going to go for when it comes to adding a little bit of spice to your event planning process?

    Corporate Event Planning

    But surely we must know one more thing, about events that sure are all fun and games but what about corporate event planning? It isn’t as simple and normal event planning.

    Corporate events are formal and have a bit more of a complicated nature than their other sibling versions. A corporate event is mainly done for networking purposes or other events like seminars and much more.

    But corporate event planning needs to have a realistic idea, budget and proper communications. An event planner needs to learn about the purpose of the event to provide their client with what they exactly require to run the event smoothly.

    Corporate Planning

    Other than that the event planner must decide on a proper theme and location and promote the corporate event well enough so that it reaches the right audience while you create the buzz around the target audience that your event management company has set their eyes on. Follow these pointers to make sure your corporate event planning is on point every time you throw an event.

    Now that you know almost every hack as an event planner for adding to your event planning process, we would recommend you to start on a good foot. This article teaches you to be fierce about starting an event management company without any money and being a successful event planner in the upcoming years.

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    Kiara Dutta
    Kiara Dutta comes from an Engineering background, with a specialization in Information Technology. She has a keen interest and expertise in Web Development, Data Analytics, and Research. She trusts in the process of growth through knowledge and hard work.

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